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Finally... Woohoo!

Yes, finally... a website I can call my very own... woohoo!!! is mine!

I choose it (the process was so long and tedious, I almost gave up on it entirely), registered it and paid for it... so it's all mine!

Why did I buy a domain name? Well, I have great plans for this blog. I have finally embraced and accepted the fact that writing is what I am meant to do... because it allows me to have the best of both worlds... be a stay-at-home mom and earn on the side.

So, what can you expect from this blog? I will definitely try to stay away from the musings type of posts, although it might not be helped during times of melancholy (which could happen anytime between 3 days before and 3 days after my period. hahaha!), but this blog will have more of tips on how to earn online, how to go about each one especially if it has something to do with writing, how to save, how to raise a kid while striving to keep a career... that sort of stuff.

Just be assured that this blog will have a lot of things you would want to keep on reading... enough to make you want to subscribe or put it in your blog list.



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